اسان کي سڏيندو +86 2862727043


  • Large Channel Letters Outdoor

    Large Channel Letters Outdoor

    This is one of the big signage project we've done. The non-luminous part (bracket and letter logo, etc.) uses stainless steel, black painted, and the luminous part, that is, the logo surface uses acrylic, which is processed by UV printing to form such a beautiful and eye...
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  • A large resort signage project

    A large resort signage project

    We have just completed a resort project for an Australian customer. The project is mainly about navigation signs as shown in the picture. A luxurious pylon sign and many large illuminated number plates and backlit signs. They are very exquisite and beautiful, and of co...
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  • Code Words, Chaos, Sky-High Prices: Inside China’s Mask Market

    Sign up here for our daily coronavirus newsletter on what you need to know, and subscribe to our Covid-19 podcast for the latest news and analysis. Desperate to find a new supply of protective face masks, executives at an American health-care services company last month began poring over videos s...
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  • How Can We Effectively Prevent The Infection of Corona Virus

    Now the corona virus in China is under control, the new increased cases are under 10 per day. After communicated with many foreign friends, i found they are in panic, but have no idea what to do. As a person who experienced this virus and knew how bad it is, i want to share with you “How can we e...
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  • Which material is the cheapest?

    Which material is the cheapest?

    The materials used for the production of luminous characters are: acrylic, galvanized , stainless steel, and titanium gold. After using the luminous characters for a period of time, a part or the entire font light source starts to flicker, and has poor contact, until it is completely off. Most of...
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  • What is the luminous characters on the roof?

    The  on the roof are generally facing the lively urban area. Advertising is constantly spreading to the surrounding pedestrians, which deepens the surrounding pedestrians’ impression of the company. Its image transmission rate is still very large. In general, people will be very impresse...
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  • What are channel letters?

    Channel letters are custom-made metal or plastic letters commonly used in exterior signage on public and commercial buildings, and often internally illuminated. Unlit three dimensional letters that are applied to sign panels or monuments are usually referred to as dimensional letters.   What Typ...
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  • مواد ڪارڪردگي Signage تجزيو

    مواد ڪارڪردگي Signage تجزيو

    اسين هر هڪ ڏينهن signage ڏسي، پوء جن مواد signage سفر جي تياري لاء استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو؟ signage لاء مواد، جي ظاهر ۽ فعل، مواد قسم جي درجه موجب بلڪل مختلف آهن stainless نديم، ٿڌو-ھٽايو نديم پتل، لوهي پليٽ، المونيم پتل، عابده طاهراڻي ص موجود آهن ...
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  • ڇا signage ۽ جيڪي آهي ان جو ڪم آهي؟

    ڇا signage ۽ جيڪي آهي ان جو ڪم آهي؟

    اسين هر هڪ ڏينهن signage ڏسي، اهي زندگي جي هڪ ضروري حصو آهين. پوء، signage انهيء ڇا آهي؟ گهٽيء نازل گاڏي ۽ اوھان کي رستي جي آيتن کي جن جي رفتار ۾ هلائڻ لاء اشاري سان يا برهمڻ آباد شهر کي هدايتن سان مقابلو ٿي ويندس. ڪم ڪار جي ۾، توهان littered صحت ۽ حفاظت جي آيتن کي کوج ايندي ...
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